Friday, March 13, 2009

Olivia Conquers Broadway

My daughter Olivia is an absolute star. Here she is with her tall friend Morgan (Witch #3). Olivia performed the part of Witch #2 with an unbelievable amount of believability in The Elk Ridge School production of Macbeth. The talent and dedication she and the entire cast put forth were truly admirable. Well Done All!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The dining room in fabulous Cannondale has two personalities. The first and most domineering side of him (her) is regal and commands respect. "I have a corner fireplace, my ceiling is 10 feet and am in possession of two large sash windows" Now the flip side to that two-faced little witch...floors are an unholy mess and what floors there are--are sloped at an alarming angle. It faces north and the wind howls fierce and shakes the windows. And sunlight, there's not enough.

So in an effort to tame this shrewish side of Cannondale's Dining Room, I've commissioned floor boards from the repurposed lumber of the Oxford Water Authority Covered Bridge plained and sanded. I had Rueben and Levi fit the boards. Now apparently its up to me to sand and refinish.
Here are some before and after photos. Good luck figuring which is which!

Monday, March 9, 2009

So I've painted the library with Farrow and Ball Pavillion Gray and used Hardwick White for the trim and fireplace, still not sure what color the bookcases will be....

Working on the library.