Thursday, June 10, 2010

Stone Wall Rehab and Facelift

So I'm thinking it's been a long time I've been hating on my stone wall out front.
A stonewall-hater, really? Yes, they exist in rural Chester County, PA, and I am one of them. My particular stone wall is covered in cement and chipping, filthy white paint. Sacrilege. It has been seven years and ten months that I have been forced to live right behind this... this... this...abomination. No, I didn't do it. Shut up. The vandalism occurred before I bought the house. I actually bought the house this way, that's right, wheeled the wheelbarrow of money to the closing table with the stone wall in that condition. Genius. If you're faint of heart where stone wall are concerned, avert your eyes....

O jeez, YOU LOOKED! OK so now you at least have some idea of the scope of pain I've been suffering these past 7/10.
But seriously, how cool would it be if there was a real place, not a make-believe place, where rock piles sprung from nearby woods? If only the Universe would send me a sign.....something to let me know what direction to go...anything at all will do. HOLD ON, WAIT FOR IT... Is this a sign?

YES! It is. It is a sign. Unfortunately not a sign for rocks, for that I had to drive three towns over to find a rock pile sprung from (not nearby) woods. Oh yeah, now that is a rock pile.

If only I had some minions to throw the rocks into the truck.....check it out, minions! One minion even has her work shirt on already. It actually say "rockin' out" on the actual work uniform, uh, I mean T-shirt. I take that to be yet another sign from The Universe saying "it's time to move the rocks out of the pile and into the truck for our Mommy Overlord."

Three trips, much gasoline, sweat, more sweat, filth, and smashed fingers later....

There's a respectable pile of rocks not stacked in front of the offending stone wall.

It's a start on the most massive cover-up since Watergate.

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