Well it was a nice weekend, winding down now...So no global warming, huh? You should have been in Southeastern PA today, it reached near 90 this afternoon. My husband put a gate on our little chicken run this weekend, he made the gate himself. This by the way is a very big a accomplishment for a man who works in an office. I'll take a picture of the chickens and their new gate and tomorrow. Try to contain your excitement 'til then...
Another project I did this weekend was to repair my homemade hassock/coffee table/thingy-ma-bobber. I've been seeing them in my beloved English Home Magazine (please bow your head and avert your eyes in reverence to the magazine) for a good five years now. They are just so claaaaassy looking. I ordered the legs from a catalog and the casters too and just got the fabric at a fabric store in Delaware. I'm looking for a picture to share with you guys.
Hey Ann.
My husband built my chicken coop and run. He must really love me:)
Thanks for stopping by to see me. I do tend to run on...
Hi Ann, OK, it took me awhile, but I finally figured out who you are -- the owner of my absollute favorite house on Rate My Space! You have the house of my dreams!!! I can't wait to see more of your blog.
Yay! I'm so glad you stopped by my blog--so I was able to find yours! I love your style (and yes, English Home Magazine rocks!) and your sense of humor is sooooo refreshing! I will definitely be back!
Ta for now,
P.S. I noticed that Rhonda left a comment for you--she's awesome. I whined to her about not being able to figure out blog stuff and she was really helpful. (I struggle with blogging--in a BIG way.)
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