Can't a sister get a French Confit Jar? I see them in The English Home (you know the drill ladies, bow your hread and avert your eyes in reverence to the magazine) all the time and some of those homeowners have like, ten of them all lined up in their kitchen! Where's mine? I look everywhere and can't find one to call my own. D'ya guys ever see them at those yardsales you're always at? I told my husband I have a blog now, think he'll put 2 and 2 together?
Just found your blog. I wanna live where you do hehe. I do love the Amish area and pray one day I can retire there.
Oh I hear you sister, I am looking for a red toleware tray and I can't find one to save my life. I found a great burgundy one on Ebay, so I thought oh that's close enough to red for me! I bought it without a second thought. It came yesterday and guess what? It's no bigger than a bread plate! Uggghh I should have looked at the measurements.
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